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Step six in weight loss: fatty business


If you missed our last articles, Step one in weight loss: Ditch the sugar, Step two: Take a break, Step three in weight loss: It’s very fluid and Step 4: Move it move it, and Step 5: Low Carb, read them [here].

Contrary to what doctors and scientists as well as the government have been telling us since the 1950’s we now know that it’s not dietary fat that is making us fat and sick, it is the simple carbohydrates.

That does not mean we can just forget about the topic of dietary fat with regards to weight loss and our health in general.

Regarding weight loss, the major issue in dietary fat consumption is the imbalanced ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fats in our modern diets.

A consensus on an evolutionary and current scientific estimate of an ideal omega 3 to omega 6 fat consumption ratio is anywhere from 1:1 to 1:4.

Unfortunately, current modern western diets have ratios of 1:7 to 1:20 in favor of omega 6.

So doctors can prescribe as much omega 3 fish oil supplement as they want, we are not going to solve this ratio imbalance problem with supplementation alone.

The main problem is that the overconsumption of omega 6 fats leads to chronic inflammation and central obesity. This is the dangerous type of fat around the organs (visceral fat) also known as belly fat. Also, a high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio can lead to insulin resistance (diabetes), high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Another problem for weight loss is that omega 6 fatty acids can cause Leptin resistance. Leptin is the hormone that is released by the body to signal that you have eaten enough and are full so with resistance, overeating is the outcome.

On the contrary, a low omega 3/6 ratio acts anti-inflammatory lessens fat accumulation in the liver and around other organs and aids in fat burning and thus weight loss.

So how do we fix the skewed omega 6 to omega 3 consumption ratio?

Ditch the highly processed vegetable oils. These oils contain mostly omega 6 fatty acids. Unfortunately, most restaurants and all fast food joints cook with highly processed vegetable oils. Some even pour the stuff over salads for consumption. So avoid fast foods and avoid fried foods in restaurants.

At home throw out all your vegetable oils.

For consumption (salads etc.) use only extra virgin oils. Olive oil is great or alternatively, use other cold-pressed oils. The smoke point for cooking is much lower in these oils. At our Shambhalife weight-loss resort on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand, we use coconut oil for cooking or Ghee for high-temperature frying. While we are talking about frying, never let an oil heat past its smoke point (where it starts developing dark smoke) as this will change the chemical structure of the oil and create Trans-Fats which are very very very unhealthy. Also do not buy any products that contain Trans-Fats.

Improving your omega 3 to omega 6 consumption ratio will additionally boost your weight loss efforts by helping to reduce visceral fat in and around your organs. Add foods high in omega 3’s to your diet. Salmon is a great choice as well as many other healthy foods. Just google "foods high in omega 3".

Continue your weight loss journey with us in our next articles as we explore the basics of nutrition science to equip you with the knowledge to ratchet up another notch and transition to high-speed weight loss leveraging the natural metabolic state of ketosis. Or visit our Shambhalife weight loss center on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand

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